Embrace your Uniqueness. Keep it Real. Show up Authentically.
Human beings are profoundly influenced by their upbringing and the myriad of experiences that shape their worldview. We are often defined by what our parents taught us, the things we learned in school, the friendships we developed over the years and the many challenges and disappointments that make us human. All these elements contribute to the tapestry of our existence.
As a Coach to Highly Sensitive People, Neurodivergents and other individuals who are exploring their authentic selves, I begin by forming a coaching relationship where you feel heard and have the experience of being less alone. Because I, too, identify as an HSP, I have struggled with many of the same issues you are facing – the social challenges, the isolation, and the overwhelm.
One of the most important initial steps is to identify the gifts that you as a unique individual can bring to the world. We also explore how you can express your unique qualities comfortably and safely and share yourself with confidence, which will open up new possibilities for your life. Because individuals who don’t follow the herd have certain tendencies, such as difficulty in establishing boundaries and in saying what they feel, we look into specific actions and behaviors that may be more supportive of you in creating your desired outcomes. Along the way, you’ll acquire new tools and perspectives for handling the various situations that your trait or personality type commonly encounter. Over time and with practice, you will feel more freedom and self-assurance and develop a greater love and appreciation for yourself as a confident, creative and authentic individual.
Being unique in what often feels like an unkind and insensitive world can be tough, but it doesn’t have to stop you from being who you were meant to be! I can support you on your journey.
Allow me to help you identify the qualities within you that haven’t been uncovered yet.
In a world full of diverse perspectives and backgrounds, maintaining personal relationships can be challenging yet rewarding.
In life, certain choices can lead to feelings of shame and dissatisfaction. These emotions often stem from decisions that conflict with our authentic selves and core values.
In today’s world, many individuals feel pressured by external expectations to conform to roles or identities that do not resonate with their true selves.
Courage to Be Real Coaching is dedicated to helping individuals present themselves honestly and truthfully, allowing their true selves to shine through in every interaction.
Are you ready to accept and celebrate your individual qualities, quirks, and talents, rather than trying to fit into a mold or be like everyone else?
All right reserved © 2024-2025, Lisa Knudson MSW, CMC